If you are looking for one sport that does it all then look no further. Tennis does combine many of the skills that it takes to be a great athlete in other sports, for example...
In baseball, if you think hitting a pitch thrown at 90 mph is difficult in baseball, then try tennis where you have to return a serve hit at 130 mph and it is spinning wildly before bouncing in different directions!
In basketball, if you think changing directions on a dime and accelerating at top speeds is difficult then try doing the same on a hard court surface in 90+ degree heat on a sunny windless day! If you think basketball is the only sport that requires you to jump high from a stand still then try tennis where you are launching your body into the air and controlling it while hitting a 90 mph overhead smash!
In soccer, if you think the constant running and endurance it takes to be successful is difficult then try tennis where professional matches may last 2-5 hours or even longer. Longest on record over 11 hours with the last set taking over 8 hour to play!!!
Tennis is one of if not the only sport that allows you to play as an individual or part of a team (doubles). It allows you to compete in skill level competition or age division competition. It is truly a lifetime sport with minimal cost to get started.
In the High Desert we need to encourage players from other sports to try ours. Make a resolution to introduce at least two new players to the sport of Tennis each.