
7 Tips To Better Doubles

Tip #1: Be certain when committing...
Don’t commit to a doubles partnership until you are certain your combination is the best fit for both of you.

Tip #2: Study and emulate the pros:
Constant communication is the single biggest weapon for doubles players
Supporting each other is a willingness to forgive quickly - for your mistakes and your partner’s
Adjusting positions especially on serve and return of serve
Recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each player

Tip #3: Choose complimentary styles of play
Create a team where the players compliment -- not compete against -- each other. For example, if one is a big server, choose a partner who is a big returner or is an aggressive volleyer. Remember that great men and women singles players don’t always make great doubles players.

Tip #4: Consider personality traits when creating a doubles team
A team can have all of the talent and weapons in the world, but if they are not playing “together” and supporting each other, especially after blowing a big point, any success as a doubles team will be limited and short lived.  Great doubles players are capable of thinking in terms of “team” versus “self” -- not a skill common in tennis players.

Tip #5: Constantly seek self-improvement
We all tend to gravitate towards our strengths and often plateau as a player because we stop working on improving our weaknesses. This is especially true with doubles players as they become dependent on their partners to come to their “rescue.”

As the old saying goes, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. It won’t take long for your opponents to exploit your weaknesses and formulate strategies to expose them. Make sure your chain is as strong as it possibly can be and then strengthen it even more.

Tip #6: Know the nature of the beast
In pro doubles, most of the intense action is down the center of the court. Whereas on a club level, the action tends to be more on the outsides of the court.

If you have a strong forehand and weak backhand at the club level, playing the deuce side will be more effective. If you play the ad side, you won’t have the same opportunities.

Tip #7: There is no “easy” side of play
Just remember that one of the most difficult shots in both doubles and singles is the inside-out backhand return of serve, and it’s equally difficult during a baseline rally.

Hold on to any partner that can really play the deuce side -- they are worth their weight in gold.

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